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Educational Background:The University of Edinburgh
Research Direction:Family Adjustment to Childhood Developmental Disability, Psychopathology, Cross-cultural psychology
Phone:(02) 2732-1104#55820


📒Professional Services

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders


📒Journal Papers

  1. Liang, S. H.Y., Tsai, H.W. J., Wu, Y.Y., Lee, Y.C., Chen, V. C.H., Wang, L.J., . . . Kelsen, B. A. (2020). Reliability and validity of the traditional Chinese translation of the brief infant-toddler social and emotional assessment. Early Human Development, 151, 105162. (SCI)
  2. Tsai, H.W.J., Cebula, K., Liang, S.H., & Fletcher-Watson, S. (2018). Siblings' experiences of growing up with children with autism in Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 83, 206-216. (SSCI) 
  3. Tsai, H.W.J. Cebula, K., & Fletcher-Watson, S. (2017). The Role of the Broader Autism Phenotype and Environmental Stressors in the Adjustment of Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-15. (SSCI)
  4. Kovshoff, H., Cebula, K., Tsai, H.W.J., & Hastings, R.P. (2017). Siblings of Children with Autism: the Siblings Embedded Systems Framework. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 4(2), 37-45.
  5. Tsai, H.W.J., Cebula, K., & Fletcher-Watson, S. (2016). Influences on the Psychosocial Adjustment of Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 32, 115-129. (SSCI)



  • Ingersoll, B.、Dvortcsak, A. (2020)。教導自閉症幼兒社會溝通能力: 教練手冊(第二版)(Teaching social communication to children with autism and other developmental delays (second edition): the project impact guide to coaching parents)(姜忠信、陳孟筳、倪子洛、江淑蓉、陳思臻、蔡曉薇與呂幸芳譯)。台北: 洪葉文化。(原著出版年:2019)
  • Ingersoll, B.、Dvortcsak, A. (2020)。教導自閉症幼兒社會溝通能力:家長手冊(第二版)( Teaching social communication to children with autism and other developmental delays (second edition): the project impact manual for parents) (陳孟筳、倪子洛、陳思臻與蔡曉薇譯)。台北: 洪葉文化。(原著出版年:2019)


📒Seminar Papers

  • Taiwan Association of Clinical Psychology Annual Conference, 14th-15th March 2015, Poster presentation, Taipei, Taiwan,
  • British Journal of Development Psychology: Developmental Section Annual Conference, 3rd-5th September 2014, Poster presentation, Amerstand, Netherlands.
  • 9th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 14th-16th July 2014, Symposium presenter, Roehampton University, London.
  • Taiwan Scientific Symposium in Scotland, 15th February 2014, Symposium presenter (Best Presentation Award), Edinburgh, UK.
  • Action on Autism Research in Scotland, 4th-5th February, 2014, Poster presentation, Edinburgh, UK.



臨床心理師(心理字第000827號 )

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