
Educational Background:美國曼菲斯大學 溝通科學與障礙博士
Research Direction:口語與書寫語言發展、閱讀與寫作障礙、讀寫補救教學、學習障礙、心理語言學
Phone:(02)2732-1104   # 55727


📒Professional Services

Applied Psycholinguistics
Frontier in Neuroscience, section Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience
Frontier in Psychology, section Educational Psychology
Frontier in Psychology, section Language Sciences
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Journal of Research in Education Sciences
Journal of Research in Reading
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Language & Education
Memory & Cognition

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups
Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal
課程與教學季刊 Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly
特殊教育季刊 Special Education Quarterly

Linguistic Rhythm and Literacy


  1. 基宜區大專校院特殊需求學生鑑定審查委員 110
  2. 基宜鑑輔分區大專校院輔導訪視委員 110
  3. 特殊教育諮詢輔導委員 110
  4. 特殊教育學系碩士在職班面試委員 109, 110
  5. 教育實習指導教授 108, 109, 110
  6. 國民小學教育學程師資培育生導師 108, 109, 110
  7. 國民小學教育學程甄選委員 108
  8. 師資培育處公費生甄選委員   109, 110
  9. 教育學系大學部個人申請入學招生書面審查委員 108, 109
  10. 教育學系公費生甄選委員 108. 109, 110
  11. 教育學系教育創新與評鑑碩士班入學考試命題者及閱卷者 108
  12. 2018芝山新秀研討會主持人–2018/12/08


  1. 2020年第三屆臺師大國社院研究生跨領域國際論壇會議評論人–2020/05/16
  2. 2019年第二屆臺師大國社院研究生跨領域國際論壇會議主持人–2019/06/01


  1. 香港大學教育學院言語及聽力學鄧沁麗博士生訪問台灣接待人

美國紐約州艾德菲大學(Adelphi University)

  1. 吳明軒教授及Diana Schwinge教授訪問雙北國民小學聯絡人


  1. 2018閱讀與學習輔助犬國際學術研討會國外主講者(澳洲雪梨大學Joanne Arciuli教授)聯絡人– 2017/12~2018/11
  2. 屏東區大專校院身心障礙學生鑑定審查委員– 107
  3. 特殊教育中心特殊教育諮詢專線委員– 107
  4. 特殊教育中心特殊需求學生溝通訓練督導– 107
  5. 特殊教育學系學士班個人申請審查委員–107
  6. 特殊教育學系碩士班一般考試書面審查委員– 107
  7. 美國R.E.A.D.(閱讀輔助犬)總會交流活動團長– 2018年1月18~24日
  8. 2017學習輔助犬國際學術研討會論文發表主持人– 2017年12月9日
  9. 特殊教育學系碩士班甄試書面審查委員– 107


  1. 身心障礙及重大傷病考生應考服務審查委員–112


  1. 台北市新課綱課程博覽會暨前導學校成果發表會之國語領域標準本位評量主持人–2019/06/05
  2. 台北市107學年度素養導向評量產出型研習工作坊指導教授–2018/12/22-23


  1. 國民教育階段特殊教育學生鑑定安置會議– 106、111
  2. 國民/學前教育階段評估鑑定安置會議委員–106


  1. 國民/學前教育階段評估鑑定安置會議委員–106


  1. 新北市瑞芳區義方國小寫作知能與技巧講座–2020/10/07
  2. 臺北市龍安國小國語領域讀寫工作坊指導教授–2019/10/05、10/23、11/27、12/25~2020/03/25、04/22、05/27
  3. 臺北市光復國小國語領域共備社群指導教授–2019/02/20~03/27
  4. 新北市興仁國小閱讀理解困難講座–2019/03/13



  1. 第七屆監事–2023/07~2026/06


📒Research Projects

  1. 計畫主持人–臺灣孩童的早期寫作發展:語文工作記憶、轉錄和語言能力II–國科會(NSTC 112-2410-H-152-013 -)–2023/08/01 – 2024/7/31
  2. 大專學生研究計畫指導教授–臺灣讀寫障礙孩童的韻律覺識、音韻覺識和英文識字能力(國立臺北教育大學特殊教育學系黃湞云)–國科會(NSTC 112-2813-C-152-013-H)–2023/07/01 – 2024/02/28
  3. 計畫主持人–3-9歲的句法複雜度–科技部(MOST 111-2410-H-152-012-)–2022/08/01 – 2023/7/31
  4. 計畫主持人–臺灣孩童的早期寫作發展:語文工作記憶、轉錄和語言能力–科技部(MOST 110-2410-H-152 -004 -)–2021/08/01 – 2023/7/31
  5. 計畫主持人–漢語兒童的聽覺處理、韻律覺識、口語閱讀韻律及早期閱讀能力的關係III–科技部(MOST 109-2410-H-152 -028 -)–2020/08/01 – 2021/7/31
  6. 計畫主持人–使用語音軟體Praat促進職前教師語音學知識的萌發–教育部(PED1090397)–2020/08/01 – 2021/7/31
  7. 計畫共同主持人–幼兒園大班至小二的執行功與閱讀發展之相關性研究–科技部(MOST 109-2410-H-227 -007 -MY3)–2020/08/01 – 2023/7/31(計畫主持人:羊蕙君博士)
  8. 大專學生研究計畫指導教授–聽損孩童的音樂參與、韻律覺識、音韻覺識與閱讀的關係(國立臺北教育大學特殊教育學系許肇倫同學)–科技部(MOST 109-2813-C-152-009-H)–2020/07/01 – 2021/02/28
  9. 計畫主持人–漢語兒童的聽覺處理、韻律覺識、口語閱讀韻律及早期閱讀能力的關係II–科技部(MOST 108-2410-H-152-009-)–2019/08/01 – 2020/7/31
  10. 大專學生研究計畫指導教授–對話式閱讀與後設語言能力訓練對孩童閱讀能力之影響(國立屏東大學特殊教育學系廖敏翔)–科技部(MOST 108-2813-C-152-014-H。)–2019/07/01 – 2020/02/28
  11. 計畫主持人–漢語兒童的聽覺處理、韻律覺識、口語閱讀韻律及早期閱讀能力的關係–科技部(MOST 107-2912-I-153-02)–2018/2/1 – 2019/7/31
  12. 計畫主持人–補助邀請國際科技人士(澳洲雪梨大學Joanne Arciuli副教授)短期訪問–科技部(MOST 107-2410-H-153-001)–2018/11/13 – 2018/11/19


📒Supervising Postgraduate Thesis


  1. 高若瑄(進行中)。
  2. 莊萱琳(進行中)。
  3. 邱絹絜(進行中)。


  1. 林尚慶(進行中)。在職國小教師的寫作教學實踐
  2. 韓皓婷(2022)。國小初任教師的閱讀教學素養。


  1. 瞿辰芮(進行中)。說故事者的口語韻律對幼兒故事理解及重述故事之影響。
  2. 廖敏翔(進行中)。華語學齡孩童在重述故事的句法複雜度。


  1. 孫韋涵(2022)。新北市國小資源班教師對學習障礙學生評量調整措施之探討。


  1. 廖靜儀(進行中)。中文版人際正念信效度研究。
  2. 陳怡婷(進行中)。分析式閱讀融入數位心智圖對閱讀理解能力之影響。
  3. 黃凱賓(進行中)。罕見疾病國小特教班學童的家庭需求與家庭支持─以魯賓斯坦‧泰必氏綜合症患者為例。
  4. 李嘉翔(進行中)。初任國小特殊教育教師教師信念影響之研究。
  5. 胡博媛(2023)。正念情緒調適教育課程效益研究-以某國小中年級生為例。
  6. 邱翊雯(2020)。運用焦點討論法(ORID)提升國小六年級學童口語表達表現之行動研究。
  7. 陳姿伃(2020)。運用孕育模式於國語課以提升語文創造力之行動研究。
  8. 廖宣怡(2019)。運用ARCS動機模式融入聖經教學研究。


  1. 張祖怡(2021)。IGCSE 中文測驗與 CEFR 能力指標之對應分析及教學應用—以回沖效應為例。


  1. 蔡佳恆(2022)。以繪本融入注音符號教學對幼兒聲韻覺識能力之研究。


  1. 蔡依珊(2018)。心智圖教學應用於桌遊說明書對國小學習障礙學生閱讀理解之成效。


📒Journal Papers

  1. Chung, W.-L., Kyriaki, L., & Arciuli, J. (2023). Associations between sleep, reading and mathematics in Taiwanese children. British Journal of Educational Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12586
  2. Chung, W.-L. (2022). Oral reading prosody and the relation with reading abilities: A comparison of two rating scales. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. doi:10.1007/s11145-022-10322-1
  3. Chung, W.-L., & Yang, H.-C. (2022). The relationship between oral language and storytelling prosody in preschool children. Infant and Child Development31(4), e2329. doi:10.1002/icd.2329
  4. Chung, W.-L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2021). Acoustic features of oral reading prosody and the relation with reading fluency and reading comprehension in Taiwanese children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research65(1), 334-343. doi:10.1044/2021_JSLHR-21-00252
  5. Chung, W.-L., Jarmulowicz, L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2021). Cross-linguistic contributions of acoustic cues and prosodic awareness to first and second language vocabulary knowledge. Journal of Research in Reading44(2), 434-452. doi:10.1111/1467-9817.12349
  6. Chung, W.-L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2020). Mandarin-speaking preschoolers' pitch discrimination, prosodic and phonological awareness, and their relation to receptive vocabulary and reading abilities. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal34, 337-353. doi:10.1007/s11145-020-10075-9
  7. Chung, W.-L., Jarmulowicz, L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2017). Auditory processing, linguistic prosody awareness, and word reading in Mandarin-speaking children learning English. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal30, 1407-1429. doi:10.1007/s11145-017-9730-8
  8. Chung, W.-L., & Jarmulowicz, L. (2017). Stress judgment and production in English derivation, and word reading in adult Mandarin-speaking English learners. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research46, 997-1017. doi:10.1007/s10936-017-9475-1
  9. Chung, W.-L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2016). Cortical encoding and neurophysiological tracking of intensity and pitch cues signaling English stress patterns in native and nonnative speakers. Brain and Language155-156, 49-57. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2016.04.004
  10. Bidelman, G. M., & Chung, W.-L. (2015). Tone-language speakers show hemispheric specialization and differential cortical processing of contour and interval cues for pitch. Neuroscience305, 384-392. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.08.010
  11. Chung, W.-L., & Hu, C. F. (2007). Morphological awareness and learning to read Chinese. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal20, 441-461. doi:10.1007/s11145-006-9037-7



  1. Chung, W.-L. (2015). Auditory processing and linguistic prosody as cross-linguistic precursors in reading development. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. The University of Memphis, USA.
  2. Chung, W.-L. (2005). Morphological awareness: Semantic transparency, morpheme position, and learning to read Chinese. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.


📒Chapters in Books

  1. 蔡雅薰、鐘偉倫(2018)。中文文本可讀性指標自動化分析系統在華語一語與二語教材設計過程中之應用。載於胡曉清、李春普、吳偉平主編,華語二語教學研究叢書。香港:商務印書館。
  2. 蔡雅薰、林振興、鐘偉倫(2017)。海外華語師資數位碩士在職專班之設置與發展。載於吳偉平主編,語言學與華語二語教學:課程設置與測試。香港:香港大學出版社。


📒Seminar Papers


  1. Chung, W.-L. (2023, February). Acoustic measures of reading prosody, text difficulty and reading comprehension. Paper presented at the 7th annual conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Virtual Meeting.
  2. Yang, H.-C. & Chung, W.-L. (2022, October). Preschoolers’ executive functions and the relation with their reading abilities in first grade. Paper presented at the online symposium of the Asia Pacific Society of Speech, Language and Hearing.
  3. 鐘偉倫(2022,8月)。使用語音軟體Praat促進職前教師語音學知識的萌發。口頭發表於110年教學實踐研究計畫成果交流會,靜宜大學,臺中。
  4. Chung, W.-L. (2022, February). Text difficulty and oral reading prosody in Taiwanese fourth graders. Paper presented at the 6th annual conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Virtual Meeting.
  5. Yang, H.-C. & Chung, W.-L. (2022, February). Executive functions and preliteracy skills in Taiwanese preschool children. Paper presented at the 6th annual conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Virtual Meeting.
  6. Chung, W.-L. & Yang, H.-C. (2021, November). Speech prosody and oral language ability in Taiwanese preschool children. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C.
  7. Chung, W.-L. (2021, July). Acoustic features of oral reading prosody and the relation with reading fluency and comprehension in Taiwanese children. Paper presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Virtual Meeting.
  8. Chung, W.-L. (2021, March). Oral reading prosody and the relation with reading comprehension: A comparison of two rating scales. Paper presented at the 5th annual conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, Virtual Meeting.
  9. 廖敏翔*、鐘偉倫(2020,12月)。對話式閱讀與後設語言能力訓練對孩童閱讀能力之影響。海報論文發表於台灣聽力語言學會109年度學術會議,高雄市。
  10. Chung, W.-L. (2020, October). Contributions of pitch discrimination, prosodic and phonological awareness to reading abilities: A one-year longitudinal study from preschool to first grade. Paper presented at the Conference on Child Development and Family Studies, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Chung, W.-L. (2020, July). Mandarin-speaking preschoolers' pitch discrimination, prosodic and phonological awareness, and the relation with their reading abilities in first grade. Paper presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Newport Beach, CA. (conference canceled)
  12. Chung, W.-L. (2019, August). Prosodic processing, phonological awareness and vocabulary knowledge in Mandarin-speaking children. Paper presented at the 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), Taipei, Taiwan.
  13. Chung, W.-L. (2018, July). Phonological awareness and working memory are better predictors of poor English learners than prosodic awareness. Poster presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  14. Chung, W.-L., Jarmulowicz, L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2017, July). Amplitude envelope onset, native prosodic and phonological awareness, and nonnative word learning. Paper presented as part of Symposium on The Secret Life of Suprasegmentals at the 24th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, Canada.
  15. 蔡雅薰、鐘偉倫(2017,7月)。文本可讀性指標自動化分析系統在華語一語與二語教材設計之應用。第七屆語言學與華語二語教學國際學術研討會。中國煙臺:魯東大學。
  16. 蔡雅薰、鐘偉倫(2017,6月)。以國際情懷為本之華語教材難度分析研究。第三屆國際漢語教學研討會。香港:香港教育大學。
  17. Chung, W.-L. (2016, October). Cross-linguistic contributions of acoustic cues and prosody awareness for first and second language vocabulary knowledge. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Taiwanese Psychological Association, Tainan, Taiwan.
  18. Chung, W.-L., Jarmulowicz, L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2015, July). Auditory processing, linguistic prosody awareness, and word reading in Mandarin-English bilingual children. Paper presented as part of Symposium on Prosody and Reading at the 22nd annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Big Island, HI.
  19. Chung, W.-L., & Bidelman, G. M. (2015, March). Tone-language speakers show hemispheric specialization and differential cortical processing of contour and interval cues for pitch. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
  20. Bidelman, G. M., & Chung, W.-L. (2015, March). Cortical encoding and neurophysiological tracking of English stress patterns in native and nonnative speakers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
  21. Bidelman, G. M., & Chung, W.-L. (2015, February). Tone-language speakers show hemispheric specialization and differential cortical processing of contour and interval cues for pitch. Poster presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
  22. Chung, W.-L., & Jarmulowicz, L. (2014, July). English stress perception, production, and reading by adult Mandarin-speaking English learners. Paper presented as part of Symposium on Prosody and Reading at the 21st annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Santa Fe, NM.
  23. Chung, W.-L., Jarmulowicz, L., & Buder, E. H. (2014, May). English stress production by Taiwanese college students. Paper presented at the 31st International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Zhungli, Taiwan.
  24. Chung, W.-L., & Jarmulowicz, L. (2013, November). English stress knowledge and reading ability in adult Mandarin-speaking English learners. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
  25. Chung, W.-L., & Jarmulowicz, L. (2013, July). English stress in word production, perception, and reading by Chinese-speaking English learners. Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Hong Kong, China.
  26. Chung, W.-L., & Jarmulowicz, L. (2012, November). Morphological awareness: A comparison of two derivational morphology tasks. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  27. Chung, W.-L., Jarmulowicz, L., & McMillen, S. (2012, November). Lexical stress assignment in adult Chinese-speaking English learners. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
  28. Chung, W.-L., & Hu, C. F. (2005, July). Early development of morphological awareness in Chinese-speaking children. Paper presented at the 6th Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association 2005 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.




  1. 國立臺北教育大學111學年度學術研究獎勵–2022/12/21
  2. 國立臺北教育大學111學年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵–2022/11/02
  3. 國立臺北教育大學110學年度教育學院教學優良教師獎–2022/10/14
  4. 國立臺北教育大學110學年度學術研究獎勵–2021/12/14
  5. 國立臺北教育大學110學年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵–2021/10/20
  6. 國立臺北教育大學109學年度教學優良獎–2021/10/12
  7. 國立屏東大學107年度科技部延攬特殊優秀人才補助(MOST 107-2924-I-153-001-ESR) – 2018/01/01 – 2018/12/31
  8. 美國曼菲斯大學智能系統研究中心及研究生學會研討會差旅補助–2012~2015
  9. 臺灣語言學學會2006年最佳碩士論文獎–2007/06
  10. 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會輔仁大學分會榮譽會員–2005/06
  11. 國家科學委員會大專學生研究創作獎–2003/07/10


  1. 鐘偉倫(2023年8月)。學前孩童的口語訓練。受邀演講於桃園市頂社國小附設幼兒園。
  2. 鐘偉倫(2022年11月)。臺灣孩童的韻律和閱讀能力。受邀演講於臺北市立大學特殊教育學系碩士班語言治療組。
  3. 鐘偉倫(2021年1月)。閱讀教學指引(屏東縣閱讀輔助犬種子教師)。受邀演講於國立屏東大學特殊教育中心。
  4. 鐘偉倫(2021年1月)。閱讀教學指引(高雄市閱讀輔助犬種子教師)。受邀演講於國立屏東大學特殊教育中心。
  5. 鐘偉倫(2020年11月)。幼兒園大班孩童的音高辨別、韻律及音韻覺識與其詞彙及閱讀的關係。受邀演講於中山醫學大學語言治療與聽力學系。
  6. 鐘偉倫(2020年9月)。詞素與中文閱讀。受邀演講於國立屏東大學特殊教育學系。
  7. 鐘偉倫(2020年8月)。特殊需求孩童的溝通訓練引導。受邀演講於國立屏東大學特殊教育中心。
  8. 鐘偉倫(2020年5月)。閱讀教學指引。受邀演講於國立屏東大學特殊教育中心。
  9. Chung, W.-L. (2019, October). Reading development, literacy instruction and struggling readers in Taiwan. Invited talk will be given in the Department of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan.
  10. Chung, W.-L. (2017, September). Prosody and reading. Invited talk given in the Department of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan.
  11. Chung, W.-L. (2017, May). Prosody and reading. Invited talk given in the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology at Asia University, Taiwan.
  12. Chung, W.-L. (2016, June). Prosody and reading. Invited talk given at Florida Center for Reading Research, Florida State University, USA.
  13. Chung, W.-L. (2015, March). Auditory processing, linguistic prosody awareness, and word reading in Mandarin-English bilingual children. Invited talk given at the Clinical Research Colloquium, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Memphis, USA.
  14. Chung, W.-L. (2015, February). Tone-language speakers show hemispheric specialization and differential cortical processing of contour and interval cues for pitch. Invited talk given at the Ph.D. Colloquium, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Memphis, USA.
  15. Chung, W.-L., & Jarmulowicz, L. (2013, March). Mandarin-speaking English learners’ English learning difficulties: English stress matters. Invited talk given at the Clinical Research Colloquium, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Memphis, USA.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Asia Pacific Society of Speech, Language and Hearing
Association for Reading and Writing in Asia
Cognitive Neuroscience Society
International Literacy Association
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading