Educational Background:美國奧勒岡大學特殊教育與臨床科學系早期療育研究所博士
Research Direction:測驗編製與發展篩檢、國小身障課程與教學、早期療育、桌上遊戲教育應用
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📒Professional Services
國立台北教育大學 資源教室執行秘書
大學入學考試中心身障生應考服務審查委員(110學年度 - )
教育部大專院校基宜區身心障礙學生鑑定審查鑑定輔導委員(106學年度 - )
教育部基宜區大專院校資源教室訪視委員(107學年度 -)
澎湖縣特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導會委員(108學年度 - )
十二年國民基本教育課程綱要-身心障礙學生課程前導學校北分區諮詢輔導委員(2018/03 - 2019/07)
2. 魚寶的特殊教育桌遊研究室網站:
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4. 魚寶與阿芝的懷舊工作室:
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📒Research Projects
2019-2020 科技部 <嬰兒社會情緒篩檢測驗之跨文化同等性檢驗>
2019/9-2020/12 教育部<特殊教育大數據資料盤點與議題分析計畫>
2019/5-2020/11 臺灣茶葉學會<國家文化記憶庫-以茶文化途徑提升茶產業計畫>
📒Supervising Postgraduate Thesis
📒Journal Papers
同儕審核期刊 (TSSCI or SSCI)
Chen, C. Y., Anunciação, L., Stegenga, S . (accepted). Developmental and Social Emotional Screening: What Tests Can Tell Us. Infants and Young Children. (SSCI)
Xie, H., Waschl, N., Bian, X., Wang, R., Chen, C. Y., Anunciação, L., ... & Li, Y. (2021). Validity studies of a parent-completed social-emotional measure in a representative sample in China. Applied Developmental Science, 1-15. (SSCI)
Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Scalise. K. (2020). Evaluating the Dimensionality and Psychometric Properties of a Social-Emotional Screening Instrument for Young Children. Infants and Young Children, 33(2), 2, 142-159. doi: 10.1097/IYC.0000000000000163 (SSCI) [Impact Factor (2017): 0.667]
Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Chen, C-I., Xie, H., Wu, R. (2020). The adaptation and psychometric examination of a social-emotional developmental screening tool in Taiwan. Early Education and Development, 31(1), 27-46. doi:10.1080/10409289.2019.1611126 (SSCI). [Impact Factor (2017): 1.377]
Xie, H., Bian, X. Y., Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Lu, P. (2019). Examining the convergent evidence of a parent-completed, social-emotional screening tool in China. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(6), 1741-1780. doi: 10.1007/s10826-019-01362-3(SSCI). [Impact Factor (2017): 1.588]
Clifford, J., Chen, C-I., Xie, H., Chen, C-Y., Murphy, K., Ascetta, K., Frantz, R., Hansen, S. (2018). Examining the technical adequacy of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires: INVENTORY. Infants and Young Children, 31(4), 310-325. (SSCI).
Chen, C. Y., Xie, H. C., Clifford, J., Chen, C-I., Squires, J. (2018). Examining internal structures of a developmental measure using multidimensional item response theory. Journal of Early Intervention, 40(4), 287-303. (SSCI).
Xie, H. C, Clifford, J., Squires, J., Chen, C. Y., Bian, X. Y., Yu, Q. (2017). Adapting and validating a developmental assessment for Chinese infants and toddlers: The Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Inventory. Infant Behavior and Development, 49, 281-295. (SSCI).
Chen, C. Y., Xie, H. C., Squires, J., Filgueiras, A., Anunciação, L., Landeira-Fernandez, J. (2017). Examining the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Ages & Stages Questionnaires-Social-Emotional: Use in public child daycare centers in Brazil. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(9), 2412-2425. (SSCI).
Xie, H. C., Chen, C-I., Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Li. W., Zhang. Y. (2017). Developing a home-based early intervention personnel training program in Southeast China. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37(2), 68-80. (SSCI).
Chen, C. Y., Chen, C-I., Squires, J., Bian, X. Y., Heo, K. H., Filgueiras, A., Kalinina, S., Samarina, L., Ermolayeva, E., Xie, H. C., Yu, Y. T., Wu, P. F., Landeira-Fernandez, J. (2017). Adapting a developmental screening measure: Exploring the effects of language and culture on a parent-completed social-emotional screening test. Infants and Young Children, 30(2), 111-123. (SSCI).
Bian, X. Y., Xie, H. C., Squires, J., Chen, C. Y. (2017). Adapting a parent-completed, social-emotional questionnaire in China: The Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38(2), 258-266. (SSCI).
Chen, C. Y., & Tsai, K. Y. (2009). The development of the emotional and behavioral problems checklist for young children. Psychological Testing, 56(2), 235-268. [陳介宇、蔡昆瀛 (2009)。幼兒情緒與行爲問題檢核表編製之研究。測驗學刊,56 (2),235-268。] (TSSCI) (中文撰寫)
洪仲俞、陳介宇 (2019)。教師評選適用於國小資源班教學之桌上遊戲。雲嘉特教,30,46-57。
徐敬婷、陳介宇 (2019)。國中資源班教師教學常用桌上遊戲之調查。桃竹區特殊教育,33,10-17。
Anunciação, L., Chen, C. Y., Pereira, D. A., Landeira-fernandez, J. (2019). Factor structure of a social-emotional screening instrument in preschool children. Psico-USF, 24, 3, 449-461.
陳又瑜、范昕文、何翠彥、謝采容、陳誼琳、莊斐淳、陳佳均、王姿云、鄭明恩、詹雯茜、陳玉婕、陳介宇 (2019)。幼兒動作協調發展量表編製之研究。特殊教育發展期刊。
Chen, C. Y., Anunciação, L., Squires, J. Filgueiras A., Landeira-fernandez, J. (2019). The relation between a developmental and social-emotional screening test used in public child daycare centers in Brazil. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 1(2), 91-101. doi: 10.26407/2018jrtdd.1.11.
陳介宇、陳靜儀、解慧超、Squires, J. (2018)。以試題差異功能檢驗嬰幼兒社會情緒能力之性別差異。早期療育研究學刊,1,1-22。
Anunciação, L., Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Landeira-Fernandez, J. (2018). Screening for social and emotional delays in young children who live in poverty: A Brazilian example. Journal of Childhood and Developmental Disorders, 4(2:5), 1-4.
缪琼、柴臻、Squires, J.、嚴菊花、陳靜儀、陳介宇、朱錫翔、卞曉燕 (2017)。基於《年齡與發育進程問卷⁃第3版》調查的中國和美國1-66個月兒童發育狀況的比較。中國循證兒科雜志,12(2),111-115。 (簡體中文撰寫)
Chen, C. Y., Filgueiras A., Squires, J., Landeira-Fernandez, J. (2016). Examining the factor structure of an early childhood social emotional screening assessment. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 17(3-4), 89-104.
Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Heo, K. H., Bian, X. Y., Chen, C-I., Filgueiras, A., Xie, H. C., Murphy, K., Dolata, J., & Landeira-Fernandez, J. (2015). Cross cultural gender differences in social-emotional competence of young children: Comparisons with Brazil, China, South Korea, and the United States. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 11(2), 59-68.
Acar, S., Hansen, S., Dolota, J. & Chen, C. Y. (2014). An overview of developmental screening: Implications for practice. Baskent University Journal of Education, 1(1), 9-18.
Chen, C-I., & Chen, C. Y. (2013). A reflection on the development of developmental screening instruments for young children: Using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires research team in the United States as a model. Special Education for the Elementary School, 55, 27-41. [陳靜儀、陳介宇 (2013)。以美國 Ages and Stages Questionnaires 研究團隊運作模式探討嬰幼兒篩檢量表之編製。國小特殊教育,55,27-41。] (中文撰寫)
Tsai, K. Y., & Chen, C. Y. (2011). The development and assessment of social emotional behavior of infants and young children. Special Education for the Elementary School, 51, 29-40. [蔡昆瀛、陳介宇 (2011)。嬰幼兒社會情緒發展與評量之探討。國小特殊教育,51,29-40。] (中文撰寫)
Chen, C. Y. (2010). Exploring the feasibility of using modern board games in children's learning activities. The Elementary Education Journal, 57(4), 40-45. [陳介宇 (2009)。從現代桌上遊戲的特點探討其運用於兒童學習的可行性。國教新知,57(4),40-45。] (中文撰寫)
Chen, C. Y. (2008). Investigating the issues of early intervention assessment by the transactional model. Special Education for the Elementary School, 45, 78-83. [陳介宇 (2008)。以傳動模式之觀點探討早期療育評量議題,國小特殊教育,45,78-83。] (中文撰寫)
Chen, C. Y. (2005). Using trans-disciplinary play-based assessment to young children with developmental delay. Special Education for the Elementary School, 40, 35-43. [陳介宇 (2005)。跨專業遊戲本位評量在發展遲緩兒童的使用,國小特殊教育,40,35-43。] (中文撰寫)
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021)。臺灣老桌遊:從大富翁、龜博士升學、到天地牌與飛車龍虎鬪,完整收錄懷舊珍貴老遊戲。聯經。
📒Chapters in Books
Squires, J., Bricker, D., Twombly, E., Murphy, K., Hoselton, R., Dolata, J., & Chen, C. Y. (2015). ASQ:SE-2 technical report. In J. Squires, D. Bricker, E. Twombly, ASQ: SE-2 user's guide (p.181-208). Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H Brookes Publishing.
Tsai, K. Y., & Chen, C. Y. (2009). A preliminary study on the development of the emotional and behavioral problems checklist for young children. Taipei: Special Education Center of Taipei Municipal University of Education. [蔡昆瀛、陳介宇(2009)。幼兒情緖與行為問題檢核表編製初探。台北市:台北市立教育大學特殊教育中心。] (中文撰寫) 書籍連結
📒Seminar Papers
Chen, C. Y., Bian, X. Y., Squires, J., Chen, C-I. Xie, H. C., Landeira-Fernandez, J. Heo, K. H., Kalinina, S., Samarina, L., Ermolayeva, E., Filgueiras, A. (October 2016). 嬰幼兒社會情緒能力表現與不同文化之間差異比較 。中華醫學會第二十一次全國兒科學術大會海報論文,廣州珠海,中國。
Chen, C. Y., Bian, X. Y., Squires, J., Landeira-Fernandez, J. Heo, K. H., Chen, C-I. Xie, H. C., Filgueiras, A. (October 2016). 兒童社交情緒能力的跨文化性別比較。中華醫學會第二十一次全國兒科學術大會海報論文,廣州珠海,中國。
Bian, X. Y., Xie, H. C., Squires, J., Chen, C. Y., (October 2016). 年齡與發育進程問卷:社交-情緒中文版的常模、信度和效度研究。中華醫學會第二十一次全國兒科學術大會海報論文,廣州珠海,中國。
Xie, H. C., Bian, X. Y., Squires, J., Chen, C. Y., Yu, Q. (October 2016). 年齡與發育進程問卷:跨齡版 (ASQ:I) 中文版預試研究。中華醫學會第二十一次全國兒科學術大會海報論文,廣州珠海,中國。
Chen, C. Y., & Squires, J. (June 2016). Evaluation the Dimensionality of Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional Second Edition Using Multidimensional Item Response Theory. Poster session: ASQ Around the World: The 2nd Invitational Symposium of International ASQ Researchers, Stockholm, Sweden.
Chen, C. Y., Chen, C-I., & Wu, P. (June 2016). A preliminary study on the use of Ages & Stages Questionnaires and Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional in Taiwan. Poster session: ASQ Around the World: The 2nd Invitational Symposium of International ASQ Researchers, Stockholm, Sweden.
Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Bian, X. Y., Heo, K. H., Landeira-Fernandez, J., Chen, C-I., Xie, H. C., Murphy, K., Filgueiras, A., Twombly, E. (2015, October). Examining cross-cultural gender differences in social-emotional competence of young children. Poster session: 31th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, Atlanta, GA.
Chen, C. Y., Squires, J., Chen, C-I., Heo, K. H., Bian, X. Y., Kalinina, S., Landeira-Fernandez, J., Xie, H. C., Filgueiras, A., Samarina, L., Ermolayeva, E., Twombly, E., Murphy, K. (2015, October). Examining cultural adaptions of a social-emotional screening assessment tool in five countries. Student poster session: 31th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, Atlanta, GA.
Clifford, J., Xie, H. C., Hansen, S., Chen, C-I., Chen, C. Y., Frantz, R. (2015, October). Technical adequacy of the ASQ:Inventory: A new measure for infants and toddlers. Poster session: 31th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, Atlanta, GA.
Xie, H. C., Chen, C-I., Chen, C. Y., Squires, J. (2015, October). Examining the needs for training of preservice home-based early interventionists in China. Poster session: 31th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, Atlanta, GA.
Chen, C-I., Chen, C.Y., & Wu, P. (2015). The use of parent report/rating in early childhood assessments: A literature review. Individual paper presentation: Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association Annual International Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.
Chen, C. Y., Squires, J, Xie, H. C., Chen, C-I. (2014, October). Examining the gender differences of a social-emotional screening tool for infants and young children. Poster session: 30th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, St. Louis, MO.
Xie, H. C., Squires, J., Chen, C. Y., & Chen, C-I. (2014, October). Develop a personnel training program in family-centered early intervention service in China. Poster session: 30th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, St. Louis, MO.
Xie, H. C., Chen, C. Y. (2014, March). The development of a family-centered early intervention program in China. Poster session: Graduate Research forum, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Chen, C-I., Squires, J., Clifford, J., & Chen, C. Y. (2014, February). Examining the cultural differences between English and traditional Chinese translations of a developmental monitoring tool. Poster session: Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.
Chen, C-I., Squires, J., & Chen, C. Y. (2013, October). Examining the preliminary psychometric properties of a dual-purpose instrument in Taiwan. Poster session: 29th Annual International Conference, Division of Early Childhood, San Francisco, CA.
陳介宇、陳芝婷、張鎰釩、詹沐玟(2010年11月)。臺灣桌上遊戲發展的歷史脈絡與類型(口頭報告)。Maiga Chang(主持人),遊戲與教育。Web2.0與教育學術研討會,中央大學。
C³offee 咖啡誌專欄文章
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2023)。石版套印的精緻行銷 — 19世紀末的咖啡貿易卡。C³offee 咖啡誌,39。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2022)。飲人遐思--20世紀初明信片上的啜飲食光。C³offee 咖啡誌,38,100-102。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2022)。舊時咖啡店的火柴盒標籤。C³offee 咖啡誌,37,106-109。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2022)。在巴西里約遇到甜咖啡。C³offee 咖啡誌,36,106-109。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2022)。19世紀末飄香美國的日本綠茶。C³offee 咖啡誌,35,112-115。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021)。笑看杯中百年浮沉─咖啡與茶的老股票。C³offee 咖啡誌,34,112-114。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021)。當咖啡遇上桌遊─ 20 世紀初的另類行銷。C³offee 咖啡誌,33,104-107。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021)。裸麥之歌。C³offee 咖啡誌,32,82-84。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021)。茶話會與貓─話貓與茶會。C³offee 咖啡誌,31,60-62。
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021)。閱讀百年明信片-烽火下的咖啡時光。C³offee 咖啡誌,30,70-73。
陳介宇、姜欣辰 (2021)。遇見福爾摩沙--百年前歐美的臺灣茶罐與廣告。C³offee 咖啡誌,29,75-77。
陳介宇、姜欣辰 (2020)。遇見福爾摩沙--百年前美國的臺灣茶葉廣告。C³offee 咖啡誌,28,56-59。
陳介宇(2021年,12月20日)。 從桌遊娛樂看臺灣的生活記憶。報時光。文章連結
陳介宇 (2021年,9月20日)。非洲尋寶、包青天審案、天地牌、大家來破案⋯⋯你玩過嗎?四十年前陪伴爸媽長大的本土桌遊。故事StoryStudio。 文章連結
陳介宇、陳芝婷 (2021年,7月15日)。臺灣桌遊的黃金時期:民國60至70年代。博客來OKAPI閱讀生活誌。文章連結
陳介宇 (2021年,1月17日)。桌上遊戲-體驗另類玩樂趣味。國語日報,生活4。
陳介宇 (2021)。文物大百科:桌上遊戲。國語日報週刊,1341,5-6。