
Educational Background:Ph,D Pennsylvania Sate University,USA
Research Direction:The Gifted and Talented Education, Cognition and Learning
Phone:(02) 2732-1104   # 55058


📒Professional Services


Editorial Boards

Journal of Educational Practice and Research


Visiting Scholar

University of New South Wales, School of Education


Visiting Scholar

University of New South Wales, School of Education



Chinese Association of Gifted Education



Gifted Education Forum


Editorial Boards

Bulletin of Special Education



Office of Research and Development (NTUE)



Gifted Education Forum


Visiting scholar

University of Bath, Department of Education



Department of Special Education (NTUE)



Department of Special Education (NTUE)


📒Research Projects


  • 2016~present  The Practical Actiotope Model of Giftedness: A Supportive System for Rural Children’s Talent Development.  Grants from Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • 2017~2018  The effectiveness of gifted program:  A case study of champion school in Sydney.  Grants from Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • 2011~2015  Individuation:  the praxis of Gifted Teacher.  Grants from Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • 2009~2012  Talent development of gifted children.  Grants from Ministry of Science and Technology.

📒Journal Papers

PUBLICATIONS ( in the last 15 years)

Journal Articles

  • Lin, H.C. & Lu, C,H, (2023). An Action Research of Implementing "Little Teacher" Project in Competence-based Curriculum of Pre-service Teacher Training in Special Education. Bulletin of Educational Research. 69(1),43-81.
  • Cheng, Y.C. & Lu, C.H. (2022).Processes and challenges of talent development of sports-gifted students in high school. Bulletin of Special Education. 47(3),97-123.
  • Lu,C.H.,Chang, H.Y. & Liou, Y.W.(2022). Path to giftedness : An action research of place-based gifted program for rural students in Taiwan. Bulletin of Special Education, 47(2),65-94.
  • Lu,C.H. & Liou, Y.W. (2022). School of Tomorrow for Aboriginal Students:Talent Development Perspective. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies. 3(4), 177-192.
  • Chen,S.Y. & Lu, C.H. (2022).A Case Study of the Talent Development of Students  with Hearing  Impairment. Forum of Gifted Education. 20(1), 74-102
  • Chen, W.R., Huang, K.J., Wu, C.L. & Lu, C.H. (2019). Cultivating Personhood:The Collaborative Curriculum Design Between Gifted Education Teachers and General Education Teachers Through Peer Coaching, Gifted Education Quarterly. 149,1-12.
  • Chen, W.R., Huang, K.J., Wu, C.L. & Lu, C.H. (2018). Framing Professional Learning:An Action Research on Teachers' Pedagogical Empowerment of Design-based Learning for Innovative Teaching. Journal of Educational Practice and Research. 31(2), 25-57
  • Lu, C. H., Hoe, C. Y., Chen, W. R. (2016).  The localization of giftedness:  The practice and reflection of an after-school program.  Gifted Education Forum, 14, 1-26. (in Chinese)
  • Chen, W. R., Hong, K. J., Chen, C. C., Lu, C. H. (2016).   Parallel learning of gifted children and teachers through cross-school activities.  Gifted Education Forum, 14, 51-72. (in Chinese)
  • Smith, SR; Lu, C.H. (2015). Nurturing Interdisciplinary Interconnections to Enhance Theoretical Talent Development: Using Metaphor to Reflect on Ambrose’s Insights for Gifted Education. Gifted and Talented International, 3(2), 77-92.
  • Huang, C. C.,Chen,M. F.,Chen, C. Y.,Li, I. M.,Lu, C.H.(2010).The Development of a Teachers’ Differentiated Instructional Behaviors Observation Scale(Students’ Version).  Bulletin of Special Education, 35(1), 63-82.(In Chinese)
  • Chen, C. Y., Chen, M. F., Li, I. M. Chang, S. P.,Tsai, K. F.,Lu, C. H., Huang, C. C., Wu, J. J., Kou, Z. M., Chang, Z. C. (2009). Action research of a school-based gifted program.  Research of Gifted Education, 92, 35-64. (in Chinese)
  • Wu, Y. Y., Lu, C. H., Wu, C. J. ( 2009). Reconsidering the Hierarchical View in Geometric Thinking from the Perspective of Genre Theory.  Chinese Journal of Science Education, 172,157-177. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2004).  The Validity of Performance Assessment on Identifying Gifted Children’s Problem-Solving Ability.  Journal of National Taipei Teachers College, 17(1), 299-328. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2004).  A stage for gifted students:  problem-based learning.  Gifted Education Quarterly, 92, 1-11. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2004).  The quiet revolution: Creative teaching from the eastern perspective.  Elementary Education, 45(1), 25-30. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H., Wu, C. L., Chen, W. R., Yang, T. L. Tsou, Y. C.  (2005).  Teachers’ Creative Learning Processes in a Co-operative Action Research on Problem-based Learning.  Bulletin of Educational Research, 51(1), 63-94. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H., Chen, W. R., Hong, K. R., Chen, C. C.  (2005).  The Performances of Gifted Children’s Creative Problem- solving in Problem-based Learning.  Bulletin of Special Education, 28,239-258. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2006).  Inclusive education:  Man as the education path.  Elementary Education, 47(1), 3-10. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2006).  The gatekeeper:  The assessment of creativity.  Teachers, 144, 14-18. (in Chinese)
  • Hong, J. C., Hwang, M.Y. , Lu, C. H., Cheng, C.L. Lee, Y. C., & Lin, C. L.  (2007).  Playfulness-based Design in Educational Games:  A perspective on an Evolutionary Contest Game Interactive Learning Environments.


  • 呂金燮、詹婷雅(主編,2020)。國小資優課程素養導向設計指引。臺北:國立臺北大學特殊教育中心。(ISBN :9789869925549)
  • Lu, C. H. & Wu, Y. Y.  (2019).  School for Tomorrow (J. Dewey, 1934). Chinese translation version.  Taipei: Cité Publishing Ltd.  
  • Lu, C. H. & Hong, C.  (2006).  Human learning and cognition.  Taipei:  National Open University. (in Chinese)

📒Chapters in Books

  • 呂金燮(2020)。航向不確定性的海洋:資優課程素養導向教學實踐。載於呂金燮、詹婷雅(主編)。國小資優課程素養導向設計指引,頁1-12。台北:國立臺北大學特殊教育中心。
  • Lu, C. H.& Chen, W. R. (2019, in press).  Attuned pedagogy: the artistry of differentiated instruction.  In S. Smith (Ed.), The International Handbook of Giftedness and Talented Development in the Asia-Pacific.  Singapore:  Springer International Handbooks of Education.
  • Lu, C. H. (2015).  The Chinese way of goodness. In S. Hsu, & Y. –Y. Wu (eds.). Education as cultivation in Chinese culture (pp.45-62). Singapore:   Springer.
  • Hsiung, C. T. & Lu, C. H.(2015). The curriculum design of science education for gifted children.  In C. C. Kuo,C. Y. Lia & C. T. Hsiung (Eds.)  Curriculum Development and Application of Teaching Models in Gifted and Talented Education(pp.2-2~2-17).  Taipei:HauTeng Publisher.(In Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2009).  Teaching professionalism.  In C. H. Lu, Y. Y. Wu, L. J. Wu(Eds.), The way of Chinese cultivation,101-134.  Taipei: Psychology Publisher. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2009).  The way of cultivation. In C. H. Lu, Y. Y. Wu, L. J. Wu (Eds.), The way of Chinese cultivation, 283-307.  Taipei:  Psychology Publisher. (in Chinese)
  • Lu, C. H. (2004). The connections between teaching and assessment. Chapter in Educational measurement and assessment—Perspective from classroom learning, 2nd Ed, pp. 21-46. Taipei:  Wunan. (In Chinses)
  • Lu, C. H. (2004).  Performance assessment:  Theory.  Chapter in Educational measurement and assessment—Perspective from classroom learning, 2nd Ed, pp. 173-208. Taipei:  Wunan. (In Chinses)
  • Lu, C. H. (2004).  Performance assessment:  Implementation.  Chapter in Educational measurement and assessment—Perspective from classroom learning, 2nd Ed, pp. 209-238. Taipei:  Wunan. (In Chinses)


📒Seminar Papers

  • Ng, H.J. &Lu, C. H. (2023).The Art of AsMotherhood of Autistic Musicians.  The 31ST European Early Childhood Education Research Association.Lisbon,Portugal.
  • Ng, H.J. &Lu, C. H. (2022).  Make me whole: maternal support in the life of pianist with autism. Paper presentation at, Taipei.(2022年7月)
  • 呂金燮(2021)。資優教育學的挑戰:變革中國小資優課程的發展與趨勢。資優教育學會年會引言,台北。(2021年9月)
  • Lu, C. H. & Smith, S.  (2019).  The Opportunity Wheel: A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Gifted Programs.  The 6thInternational Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE).  Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chen, C. I. & Lu, C. H. (2019).  In-site: Making Dialogue in Between Gifted Children and Nature.  The 6th International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE).  Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lu,C. H.  (2019). Becoming Talented Through Naturalist Intelligence: Biophilic Experience in Children‟s Personal Development. ICRTEL 2019 – International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning, 24-25 Feb, Dubai.
  • Lu,C.H. & Susen, S. (2018).  Project Pal: the basis of scientific literacy.  GERRIC Gifted Education STEAM Conference, University of New South Wales, Australia.
  •  Lu,C.H.,&Chao,Y.C.,(2011).  Reframing Teaching: The Learning of Experienced Teachers in a Master Program of Gifted Education. Paper presentation at The 19th Biennial World Conference of the WCGTC. Prague-Czech.
  • Lu, C. H. (2010).  The extraordinary way of talent development.  Paper presentation at the 6th Chinese Talented Development Forum.  Zhejiang University, China.
  • Lu,C.H.(2010). Becoming talented: An on-going commitment and engagement of living. Paper presentation at The 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology.  Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Lu, C. H.(2009).  Holistic Gifted Teacher in Problem-Based Learning:  The Stories of Three Teachers。Paper presenation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Hawaii, USA.
  • Chen, W. R., Chen, C. C., Wu, C. L. Yang, T. L., Chen, Y. W., Tsou, Y. C., Huang, K. J., Huang, P. H., Chang, H. W., & Lu, C. H.  (2006).  Collaborative ImprovisationThe Interaction Picture of Teachers and Gifted Children in Problem-based Learning Class.  Paper presentation at The Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness.  Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lu, C. H., Hong, J. C.& Huang, P. H.  (2007).  The effects of individual characteristics on children’s problem-solving performances in the context of game-based learning.  Symposia at the Redesigning Pedagogy:  Culture, Knowledge, and understanding conference.  National Institute of Education, Singapore.
  • Lu, C. H. (2008).  Holistic Gifted Teacher in Problem-Based Learning: The Stories of Three Teachers.  Hawaii International Conference on Education.  Hawaii, USA.



2011 Distinguished Researcher Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2010 Distinguished Researcher Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2004 Distinguished Teacher Award, National Taipei University of Education
2000 Research Project Award, National Science Council, Taiwan.
1995 Research Project Award, National Science Council, Taiwan.